Petition to Grant Easements for Electricity Cables

Photo: Peter Whiteway

Local Government Act 1985


Ramsey Town Commissioners are petitioning the Department of Infrastructure seeking consent under section 25 of the Local Government Act 1985 to:


  • granting of two underground services easements for the laying, maintenance and operation of electricity cables under land in the Commission's Ownership at Bircham Avenue Close , Ramsey and land described as "Supermarket Car Park", off Bircham Avenue, Ramsey

Further details of the petition may be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office, Ramsey Town Hall or by clicking here.


The petition will be considered by the Department of Infrastructure and any views on the proposal should be submitted to the Petitions’ Officer, Local Government Unit, Management Services Division, Department of Infrastructure, Sea Terminal Building, Douglas, IM1 2RF, no later than noon on Tuesday 9th May 2023. 


21st April 2023

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