Please see our Facebook page - - for operational updates and closure information as well as details of pricing

At the present time we are asking visitors to the site to bring some form of identification (such as a utility bill dated within the last 3 months) to prove that they are resident in Ballaugh, Lezayre, Garff (Maughold), Andreas, Jurby or Ramsey. 

The Northern Civic Amenity site is located on the Bride Road, just before the Dog Mills next to the Balladoole Sewage Treatment Works.

With effect from the 1st October 2024 the site opening hours will be:

Monday-Thursday:           08:00 – 11:45, 12:30 – 16:15

Friday:                              08:00 – 11:45, 12:30 - 15:45

Saturday:                         08:00 – 11:45, 13:00 – 16:15

Sunday:                            09:00 – 11:45, 13:00 – 16:15

Bank Holidays the site opens an hour later than advertised.

The site is closed between 11:45 and 13:00 on a Saturday and Sunday.

The site is closed on New Years Day, TT Bank Holiday, Tynwald Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Updated Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) disposal prices
Due to changes in the UK Governments’ regulations surrounding the shipment of materials to the UK for recycling, the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture has introduced a policy that all electrical and electronic items are to be collected separately.
All customers wishing to dispose of electrical and electronic items and batteries at the Civic Amenity Site, must place them in correct bins .(NO electrical items to be put into scrap metal or burnable skips) It is requested that customers separate electrical and electronic items and batteries prior to arriving at site.
Staff on site will be able to assist with depositing these items. If in doubt, please ask.
Please see our Facebook page - - for latest costs for disposal of electrical and electronic items.

There are restrictions currently being operated on site, these are:

Feedback and Complaints

The site is administered by Ramsey Town Commissioners on behalf of the Joint Committee.  If you  wish to make a complaint details of the complaints procedure can be found on the Commissioners website at  Feedback and Complaints - Ramsey Town Commissioners (  A formal complaint form is also available.