The library is located in Ramsey Town Hall. Access is via Parliament Square or from the car park at the rear of the building, entered from West Street.
Ramsey Library offers a warm and dry place for those wishing to use the PC's, access WiFi, read magazines or newspapers or read books.
Membership fees:
- Children and students (Production of student card may be requested): Free;
- Adult town members (IM8 postcode holders): £10 a year;
- Adult country members (Non-IM8 postcode holders): £20 a year.
Members may borrow six titles at a time. If titles are not required by other members, loans can be renewed by calling 810146 or emailing us.
Library membership application form
- Story time for pre-school age children: Tuesdays from 9.30 to 10am. Story times are mix of traditional fairy tales, character-driven stories and seasonal tales for celebrations such as Hop tu Naa, Christmas and Easter. They are a valuable way of introducing very young children to reading and helping them to develop an interest in the world of books before they start school. Children attending the story times must be accompanied by their own parent or guardian.
- Free wifi;
- Free internet access;
- 10 public-use computers;
- Disabled access.
Opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9am to 4.30pm. Friday 9am to 4pm.
Renew books/items:
Please contact us via telephone or email to renew the items you currently have on loan.
Contact us:
Ramsey Town Library
Parliament Square
Isle of Man
Telephone: 01624 810146
Click here to send us an email.