Petition to Department of Infrastructure - Litter Bins and Resurfacing

Photo: Peter Whiteway

Ramsey Town Commissioners


Ramsey Town Commissioners are petitioning the Department of Infrastructure seeking consent under section 51 of the Local Government Act 1985 to

  • Purchase 155 (one hundred and fifty-five) 240 litre wheelie bin housings at a cost of £103,510 for distribution around the Town to replace old corroding litter bins which are at the end of their useful lives.
  • Undertake re-surfacing and line marking work on car parks and adopted roads within the Town at a cost of £109,850.

Further details of the petition may be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office, Town Hall, Ramsey, or from here.

The petition will be considered by the Department of Infrastructure and any views on the proposal should be submitted to the Petitions’ Officer, Local Government Unit, Management Services Division, Department of Infrastructure, Sea Terminal Building, Douglas, IM1 2RF, no later than noon on Friday 29th April, 2022.

Dated this 8th April, 2022.

T. R. K. Cowin BEng., CEng., FIMechE
Town Clerk & Chief Executive

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