Manx Utilities

Photo: Peter Whiteway

Manx Utilities can be contacted on: 01624 687687 or freephone 0808 1624 115 and via their website

Manx Utilities have published some energy saving tips at  In addition, specific advice about bathroom appliances can be found here, kitchen appliances here.

Manx Utilities also have a Home Energy Officer who is available to discuss simple steps you can take to help you reduce your energy consumption.  They can also help you with running costs on the various electrical appliances in your home and how to get the best out of them.

You can make an appointment to speak to the Home Energy Officer in person at their offices, have a telephone consultation or have a home visit if that is more suitable.

Home visits are weekdays 09.00am-17.00pm however individual needs will always be taken into account.                  

Contact Details:

Telephone:  687643, mobile 451949

Email: or